Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Ritual

Last Sunday was the Roper family tradition of the putting in the basement of motorcycles for the winter.  This was about 4 weeks early this year because of my recent ankle replacement surgery and my brother's impending hip replacement surgery.  This will be the first time for his right hip; he's on his 6th left hip replacement, having been among the youngest people to have it done in 1972 when they were just doing it on old people ready to die.
Amy's 650 BMW was first to go down
Doug pushes my Airone...  Amy Roper photo
...while I supervise.  Amy Roper photo

Amy Roper photo
The Airone goes down
I supervise the lowering of Doug's Benelli 260.  Amy Roper photo

Amy's CL/CB 350 Honda goes next
Then the Bridgestone 200
Finally the stairs go back in place
It's crowded downstairs as the disease progresses.

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